Sunday, September 7, 2008

Oh that's just a roach...

Today I was minding my own business trying to feed the troops when I opened my pantry and discovered, to my horror, a lovely Palmetto bug. This thing was about half the size of my hand!!! So I did what any Michigander would do...I slammed the door shut, screamed like a maniac and called Kevin to come home and "deal" with it! I kept calling it a beetle. It looked kind of like a June bug but on steroids. Kevin graciously came home and made it go away. Later that night at church I mentioned the incident to my class to which they very calmly said, "Oh that was just a roach". SAY WHAT?! I said it couldn't possibly have been a roach - it was huge and besides, my house is clean darn it! They said "no, no not that kind of's a water roach". As if the kind matters right? All I could think about after that was the Orkin man. When we got home from church we found 2 more. YUK! So the next morning when Kevin left for work I told him to go check the house. I informed him that if he left any in the house, he would come home and find everything including us packed up and on our way back to MI! And He knows I could do it...I packed the whole house in 3 weeks and would be up for a new challenge - plus we were still half way packed! My next call was to Orkin. I told them that I was hiring the 1st company that could come out TODAY! I was relieved when they were able to come out that afternoon. So no more Palmetto bugs (I prefer the term).

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