Saturday, August 30, 2008

To Unpack or go to Disney...that is the question?

Well our first few days were very productive. I managed to get the kitchen unpacked, and we actually made dinner at our new home on Wed. The boys were like a tornado behind me. I told CM he could get "a" toy out of one of the boxes which translated to him as permission to open ALL the boxes in his room! By the time he was done, there was not a spot of open floor left. You had to literally climb over stuff to even get in! Oh did I also mention that Kevin thought he would "be nice" to the movers and just let them put boxes wherever?! So much for all that careful labeling I had done. We had bathroom boxes in the dining room, bedroom boxes in the garage, etc. It was a complete unpacking nightmare! I had to wonder what he thought we paid them thousands of dollars for...the service maybe? So by Saturday, I needed a diversion and what a better diversion than Disney World! This you will see will become a habit. That darn Disney World! How are you supposed to get anything done living near the Happiest Place on Earth?!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Welcome To The Sunshine State...Hey, where's the sunshine?!

Well we arrived in FL on Thursday August 22 and guess who threw out the welcome mat? None other than Tropical Storm Faye herself! We drove right into the storm. Now, up until we reached Ocala, I was thinking along the lines of really bad thunderstorm. Nope...not even close! It rained so much and so hard I think you could have literally drowned out there! It rained NONSTOP for days! Kevin's cousin, Betty said it had been raining for 4 days before we got there - 4 DAYS! It continued to rain for days after. I have never seen anything like it. I started wondering if snow was such a bad thing afterall. Kevin says yes, but the jury is still out for me.

We left one of our cars at our lovely cousin, Betty's, house then went to check in at Disney's Pop Century Resort where Kevin's mom was waiting for us. We had a nice but wet vacation for the next 5 days. The movers showed up at our new house on Monday. Kevin met them there so they could unload while the boys, mom, and I went to Epcot. It was only fair. Afterall, I did most of the packing! Then Tuesday we said a tearful goodbye to mom as they picked her up for the airport to head back to MI, and we left to start the next fun phase of our journey...unpacking!

Friday, August 22, 2008

3 Weeks to Move...but who's counting?

I have always been an overachiever, and my good buddy LB calls me "Superwoman", but I was about to take it to a whole new level...

In July my husband flew down to Tampa for a job interview. We pretty much knew that since they were flying him down he was going to get the job..unless he really messed up the interview (you never know...he is a man!). He got the official job offer on July 28. We were going to be going down on August 22 for a trip to Disney World that we had planned back in February. So we decided that we should just move at the same time! Why not, right? I mean how hard could it be to find a house in FL and pack up a 2000+ sf home with 3 children underfoot in 3 WEEKS?!! Well let's just say that it got done, but along the way I had such a panic attack on US23 that I had to pull over and call 911. Talk about embarrassing!

So on August 19 around 9pm, after the movers packed up our entire house in their truck, Kevin and I piled in to our 2 minivans with the kids, the dog, our fish (yes, I said fish), and my beloved Christmas Cactus and said goodbye to our life as Michiganders. The trip took us about 2 days and we lived to tell about it.