Friday, August 22, 2008

3 Weeks to Move...but who's counting?

I have always been an overachiever, and my good buddy LB calls me "Superwoman", but I was about to take it to a whole new level...

In July my husband flew down to Tampa for a job interview. We pretty much knew that since they were flying him down he was going to get the job..unless he really messed up the interview (you never know...he is a man!). He got the official job offer on July 28. We were going to be going down on August 22 for a trip to Disney World that we had planned back in February. So we decided that we should just move at the same time! Why not, right? I mean how hard could it be to find a house in FL and pack up a 2000+ sf home with 3 children underfoot in 3 WEEKS?!! Well let's just say that it got done, but along the way I had such a panic attack on US23 that I had to pull over and call 911. Talk about embarrassing!

So on August 19 around 9pm, after the movers packed up our entire house in their truck, Kevin and I piled in to our 2 minivans with the kids, the dog, our fish (yes, I said fish), and my beloved Christmas Cactus and said goodbye to our life as Michiganders. The trip took us about 2 days and we lived to tell about it.

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